This plant has a high content of vitamins and minerals such as iron, carotenoids, vitamin C, polyphenols, and quercetin, which give it an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Its most used part is the leaf, and its therapeutic applications are multiple: to improve breathing, reduce stress, weight loss, and even control blood glucose levels. Whether its healing powers have been experienced or not, Moringa deserves careful study.

Nutritional composition of Moringa

  • Proteins : 33.33g
  • Carbs : 66.67g
  • Fibers: 33.3g
  • Vitamin A : 2mg
  • Vitamin C: 40mg
  • Iron: 6mg
  • Calcium: 2667mg
  • Sodium: 233mg

What is Moringa good for? Properties and benefits

The very mention of it instantly makes people wonder, what is Moringa and what is it for? It is a deciduous tree, the only genus of the Moringaceae family, and in ideal conditions, it can reach up to 5 meters, so it is not a simple bush.

Now, what are the diseases that Moringa cures? About its multiple uses in the field of medicine, it could be mentioned that:

  • It can be used to prevent diabetes. Due to its properties to regulate oxidative stress and at the same time favors the reduction of blood sugar levels.
  • Protect the heart. Since it is rich in fibers, its consumption could prevent cholesterol absorption in the intestine. In addition, its antioxidant compounds, such as quercetin and polyphenols, minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Improves the body’s defenses. The content of antioxidant substances such as polyphenols, vitamin C, and beta-carotene stimulates the immune system and helps it fight infections.

properties of Moringa

  • It has antioxidant action.
  • It is anti-inflammatory.
  • It has analgesic capacity.
  • It is considered a good vasodilator.
  • It is a good antibiotic.
  • It serves as an antifungal.

Health benefits of Moringa

Regarding the benefits of Moringa for health, the following can be pointed out:

  •  It is a rich source of nutrition. This tree has proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals necessary for proper growth and development. On the other hand, it offers the advantage that it is an easy plant to grow and is resistant to drought.
  • It can be used to purify water. Moringa seed extract inhibits bacterial growth and, therefore, can be used to purify water.
  • It is effective in regulating blood pressure. Due to its polyphenol and flavonoid components, Moringa could regulate blood pressure, as it helps to relax blood vessels and optimizes blood circulation.
  • It can prevent anemia. The high amount of iron in moringa leaves favors the increase of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and iron levels.

How to use Moringa?

There is still no fully proven scientific dose of Moringa to take, however, some studies suggest that up to 400 mg per day should be taken, but only to complement medical treatment and not to replace it.

About the different ways of using Moringa, this can be indicated:

  • Moringa tea. It is the most used form of consumption because it is quick and easy to make.
  • Capsules. 1 to 2 200 mg capsules of 200 mg per day can be taken with food.
  • Dust. It is recommended to use between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon a day in juices, soups, coffee, or tea with the powder.

However, the correct thing is to consult a herbalist, nutritionist, or doctor before ingesting it.

What happens if I take Moringa every day?

Since it is a plant that is still under study, it should not be ingested for more than 2 to 3 consecutive weeks, whether in the form of tea, capsules, seeds, or powder and particularly if there is no accompaniment from a health specialist, to prevent its possible secondary effects.

If it is drunk for a very long period, it can cause heartburn, irritation, and allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Advantages and disadvantages of Moringa

As the many properties of Moringa become known, the number of people who want to use it is growing. However, although the natural is the healthiest, it is necessary to consider the doctors’ instructions so that its consumption is beneficial and unwanted effects are avoided, such as those indicated below.

Advantages of Moringa

  • It can be a good antihypertensive.
  • It brings hepatoprotective benefits.
  • It is good healing.
  • The seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Improves heart health.
  • It helps in relieving gastric conditions.

Disadvantages of Moringa

  • The root ingestion and extracts prepared with its root can cause paralysis and other effects since it contains toxic substances.
  • Its properties and benefits for the human body are still being studied.

Precautions when using Moringa

This miraculous plant has lavished its benefits for centuries, but its excessive use can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In addition, attention must be paid to the interaction it produces if it is consumed together with other medications, which are:

  • Levothyroxine. Compounds in moringa leaf support thyroid function, so they should not be taken in combination with other thyroid medications.
  • Medicines for diabetes. These treatments for diabetic patients are used to lower blood sugar, for which it is also effective, so if used together, it can cause hypoglycemia.
  • Medications for high blood pressure. It effectively lowers blood pressure, so if used with drugs that lower blood pressure, blood pressure can drop too low.

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