A burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells that causes abnormalities temporarily in muscle tone is known as seizures. Seizures can cause changes in movements, behaviours, or feelings. There are more types of seizures available. Seizure types vary from the brain where they begin and how far it is spread in the brain. Many seizures last from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. If it goes for more than 5 minutes, there is a need for an emergency.

What Are The Symptoms Available In The Seizure?

  • Staring spell
  • Temporary confusion
  • Cognitive or emotional symptoms
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Uncontrollable movements of arms and legs

From these symptoms, you can understand if a person is suffering from a seizure or not. It helps to identify and take remedial measures for the person immediately by any of the expert doctors.

How Can Seizures Be Tested And Diagnosed?

The causes of the seizures may vary, and the doctor always used to know a clear description of your seizure. The doctor also asks about the last time the alcoholic drink was taken before the seizure. While visiting the hospital, the doctors may recommend blood tests, chest X-rays, and a heart tracing (ECG). A brain scan (CT or MRI scan) is also sometimes advised by the doctor, and the entire test should be done according to the doctor’s knowledge.

If a person is consuming alcohol regularly or having alcohol every day for a long time, suddenly stops or changes the drinking; the brain used to react and trigger a seizure. In these alcohol related seizures, some people may have a seizure when they consume a large quantity of alcohol within a short period and is called binge drinking. Alcohol-related seizures may also cause serious damage and health issues for the person in case of taking much alcohol.

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